La cosa que toda mi infancia fui pelada, pobre de mi. En la escuela era super machorrita porque no tenía todos esos moños divinos y peinados con bucles que las demás nenas. Además de que en ese momento estaba más interesada en ser una tortuga ninja que una barbie, pero de ese tema hablaremos despues.
Así que por eso ahora, que tengo las riendas de mi vida (y mis peinados) tengo el pelo largo, larguísimo, y me cuesta mucho tomar la desición de cual es el momento para despuntarlo o hacerle algo que no sea tenerlo gigante. Encima mi pelo es re bueno, me lo puedo peinar de muchísimas maneras es re gauchito. Así que no sé hasta que no parezca ridícula o la Vieja del Este del Mago de Oz seguíra así largooooo como de pony.
Your hair is very long! This is a comment I hear from someone every day! I love long hair, and is very curious to me to tell me that, to me is not so long, and on the other hand, I see it as someone else's hair. I do not think this great hair is mine.
My mom is a beautiful, spectacular, leading, highly intelligent and graceful woman but she´s the worst to is the worst to fix her hair. Mom never comb my hair for herself in spite of having always all the necessary elements: dryer, flat iron, tubes, brushes various. Are desperate and have all forgotten in a corner. I call it "The lost corner hairstyle"
Being true to these beliefs. All my childhood I was very short hair like a boy. At school I never was like the pretty girls with long hair and ornaments such as bows or headbands. I was more like a ninja turtle.
So that´s why now, that I have control of my life (and my hair) I have long hair, very long and I'll have like that forever.
Jeans/ Basement Blouse/ Jhon L. Cook. Sweater/Carrefour Bow/ Todo Moda
pretty hair and pics, you are very cute! ;)
ResponderEliminarThank you so much fot visiting mushaboom! Your blog is amazing and you are soo cute! I´m your fan now! :D Kisses!